title: Pattern Matching for Switch (JEP 427)
copyright: Cay S. Horstmann 2022. All rights reserved.
jep: 427
jdkversion: 21
type: "sandbox"

Pattern Matching for Switch (JEP 441)


This article, updated for Java 21 and also posted on http://javaalmanac.io, describes pattern matching for switch, in its fifth and final iteration. Type patterns allow you to match on the type of the selector value and analyze the value further in a variable of the appropriate type. There are fiddly rules about null, fall through, and case ordering. At the end of each section is a “sandbox” with somewhat contrived code to try out the syntax variations.

Type Checks with Switch

If you have many branches that check the same value, it can be clearer to refactor the code as a switch:

if (code == 200) message = "Ok";
else if (code == 301) message = "Moved permanently";
else if (code == 404) message = "Not found";


message = switch (code) {
   case 200 -> "Ok";
   case 301 -> "Moved permanently";
   case 404 -> "Not found;

A sequence of type checks can be similarly repetitive:

if (out instanceof ByteArrayOutputStream bout) bout.writeBytes(str.getBytes());
else if (out instanceof DataOutputStream dout) dout.writeUTF(str);
else if (out instanceof ObjectOutputStream oout) oout.writeObject(str); 
else out.write(str.getBytes()); 

Note the use of pattern matching for instanceof. The code snippet declares variables (bout, dout, oout) that contain out, cast to the matching type.

The equivalent pattern matching switch is:

switch (out) {
   case ByteArrayOutputStream bout -> bout.writeBytes(str.getBytes());
   case DataOutputStream dout -> dout.writeUTF(str);
   case ObjectOutputStream oout -> oout.writeObject(str);
   default -> out.write(str.getBytes());

This example uses a statement/no fall through switch. There are three more forms: expression/no fall through, statement/fall through, and expression/fall through. You can use type patterns with all of them.

You must use a variable after the type, even if you don't need it. In the preceding example, you cannot replace the default case with

case OutputStream -> out.write(str.getBytes()); // Error—no variable

Instead, take advantage of JEP 442 and use

case OutputStream _ -> ...

Or, if you don't want to use a preview feature, use case OutputStream __.

In the sandbox, try using fall through for the second switch. Try using a default in the last case.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      run(bytes, bytes);
      bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      run(new DataOutputStream(bytes), bytes);
      bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      run(new ObjectOutputStream(bytes), bytes);
      run(System.out, null);

   public static void run(OutputStream out, ByteArrayOutputStream bytes) throws Exception {
      System.out.printf("%n=== %s ===%n", out.getClass().getName());
      String str = "Hello\n";

      // A switch statement with no fall through, type patterns
      switch (out) {
         case ByteArrayOutputStream bout -> bout.writeBytes(str.getBytes());
         case DataOutputStream dout -> dout.writeUTF(str);
         case ObjectOutputStream oout -> oout.writeObject(str);
         case OutputStream __ -> out.write(str.getBytes());

      if (bytes != null) { 


Sometimes, it is convenient to select a case of a switch only when a certain condition is fulfilled. Such a condition is called a guard. The contextual keyword when introduces a guard:

switch (out) {
   case ByteArrayOutputStream bout -> bout.writeBytes(str.getBytes());
   case DataOutputStream dout -> dout.writeUTF(str);
   case ObjectOutputStream oout when str.length() > 0 -> oout.writeObject(str);
   default -> out.write(str.getBytes());

If the guard condition is not fulfilled, the case is not selected and the next case is tested.

Note: In the Java 18 preview, guards were written as

case ObjectOutputStream oout && str.length() > 0

It seemed reasonable to use && to combine multiple tests, but there were subtle issues. The final design is similar to Scala match expressions, where the if keyword is used for guards.

This sandbox demonstrates a typical use of type patterns. An XML node can be an element, text node, comment, entity reference, processing instruction, or one of several other exotic things. This code only handles the first two, leaving the others as an exercise to the reader. Note the when clause for skipping whitespace.

import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;

public class Main {
   public static StringBuilder print(Node node, int indent) {
      var result = new StringBuilder();
      switch (node) {
         case Text t when !t.getData().isBlank() -> 
            result.append(" ".repeat(indent))
         case Element e -> {
            result.append(" ".repeat(indent))
            var children = e.getChildNodes();
            for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++)
               result.append(print(children.item(i), indent + 2));
            result.append(" ".repeat(indent))
         default -> {}
      return result;

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      var xml = "<div>Hello, <em>World</em></div>";
      var doc = DocumentBuilderFactory
         .parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)))
      System.out.println(print(doc, 0));

Null Handling

The classic switch throws a NullPointerException when the tested value is null. That makes sense when switching on strings or enumerations. But with a type match, the issue is less clear. Ever since Java 1.0, instanceof tests have been tolerant of null. A test such as null instanceof String simply returns false.

You can now add a null case to a switch. In that case, the switch does not throw a NullPointerException. The syntax is simply:

case null -> ...

In preview versions of this feature, you were allowed to combine null with type tests:

case String s, null ... // No longer allowed

However, you can group the null and default cases:

case null, default ...

In this sandbox, fix the second switch so that it doesn't throw a NullPointerException if ex is null!

import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      run(new NullPointerException());
      run(new SQLException(new MissingResourceException("No database", null, null)));
      run(new IOException("File not found"));

   public static void run(Throwable ex) {
      System.out.printf("%n=== %s ===%n", ex == null ? "null" : ex.getClass().getName());

      Throwable ex2 = switch (ex) {
         case IOException ioe -> new UncheckedIOException(ioe);
         case Exception __ when ex.getCause() != null -> ex.getCause();
         default -> ex;



Before type patterns, cases of a switch were always disjoint. It was a compile-time error to include the same constant in multiple cases. However, type patterns can overlap:

switch (out) {
   case Appendable app -> ...
   case Closeable cl -> ...
   default -> ...

There are classes that implement both the Appendable and Closeable interface, such as PrintStream. Then the first matching case applies. Other matching cases are not executed (unless execution happens to fall through).

It is an error if a case is unreachable. Consider this example:

switch (ex) {
   case RuntimeException rex -> ...
   case NullPointerException nex -> ... // Error
   default -> ...

The second case is unreachable since NullPointerException is a subtype of RuntimeException. We say that the first case dominates the second. This is a compile-time error.

An unguarded type pattern dominates a pattern with the same case and a guard:

switch (ex) {
   case Exception __ -> ... 
   case Exception __ when ex.getCause() != null -> ... // Error
   default -> ...

The second case can never execute, and a compile-time error occurs.

Since the compiler cannot determine when a guard is true, guarded cases are never used for dominance checking. Consider

case Integer n when n >= 600 -> ... 
case Integer n when n > 599 -> ... // Not a compile-time error

The second case can never execute. But the compiler does not know that.

An unguarded type pattern dominates a constant pattern:

case Integer n


case 404


case Integer n where n >= 400

does not.

The point is that you should list constant patterns first, then type patterns:

case 200 -> ...
case 404 -> ...
case Integer n when n >= 600 -> ...
case Integer n -> ...

The default class must come after type patterns. And after case null, which it does not cover!

By the way, the rules for constant cases have not changed. The constants and selector must be of type int, char, short, byte or their wrapper classes, String, or an enumerated type.

You can't have

case System.out -> ...
Number num = ...
switch (num) {
   case 404 -> ...

Here is a little exercise to practice the dominance rules. And yes, it is weird that you can use case Object n or case Number n when the only possible type match is Integer.

public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {

   public static void run(Integer status) {
      System.out.printf("%n=== %d ===%n", status);

      String text = switch (status) {
         // Sort these lines according to the dominance rules
         default -> "Valid";
         case Number n when n.intValue() >= 600 -> "Invalid";
         case 200 -> "Ok";
         case 404 -> "Not found";



A switch expression must be exhaustive; that is, yield a value for every input. Of course, any switch with a default case is exhaustive.

If the switch input is a sealed type, there is a known, finite number of subtypes. The switch is exhaustive if there are type patterns covering all subtypes.

It is possible that a sealed type evolves, acquiring additional subtypes. Then a switch over that type may no longer be exhaustive. That is problematic if the source file containing the switch is not recompiled. After all, it might be in a third party JAR. In order to detect such a scenario at runtime, the compiler adds a default case that throws a MatchError.

The compiler cannot interpret guards, so you need to have at least one unguarded pattern. For example,

case Integer n when n >= 600 -> ...
case Integer n when n < 600 -> ...

is not exhaustive. Rewrite it as follows:

case Integer n when n >= 600 -> ...
case Integer n -> ...

Even though there is no technical need for switch statements to be exhaustive, the compiler will check that all “modern” switch statements are. That applies to any switch statement that uses type or null patterns. You may need to add

default: break;


default -> {}

In a switch statement with only constant cases, there is no exhaustiveness check. All your old switches will compile as usual.

This sandbox shows exhaustiveness checking with sealed classes. Try adding another subclass JSONComment. (I know, JSON won't ever have comments.)

public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      JSONArray arr = new JSONArray();
      arr.add(new JSONNumber(13));
      JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
      obj.put("name", new JSONString("Harry"));
      obj.put("married", JSONBoolean.FALSE);

   public static void run(JSONValue jval) {
      var type = switch (jval) {
         case JSONArray __ -> "array";
         case JSONObject __ -> "object";
         case JSONNumber __ -> "number";
         case JSONString __ -> "string";
         case JSONBoolean __ -> "boolean";
         case JSONNull __ -> "null";
      System.out.println(type + " " + jval);
import java.util.*;

public sealed interface JSONValue permits JSONArray, JSONObject, JSONPrimitive {}

final class JSONArray extends ArrayList<JSONValue>  implements JSONValue {}

final class JSONObject extends HashMap<String, JSONValue> implements JSONValue {}

sealed interface JSONPrimitive extends JSONValue
      permits JSONNumber, JSONString, JSONBoolean, JSONNull {}

final record JSONNumber(double value) implements JSONPrimitive {}

final record JSONString(String value) implements JSONPrimitive {}

enum JSONBoolean implements JSONPrimitive {

enum JSONNull implements JSONPrimitive {

Variable Scope

A type pattern introduces a variable. You can use that variable in a when clause:

case String s when s.length() > 3 -> ...

You can also use the variable in the code to the right of the -> or : token.

case String s when s.length() > 3 -> s.substring(0, 3) + "..."

This is unsurprising. The only potentially confusing situation comes from fall through. Consider:

case Number n: ... // Must have break/yield here
case String s when s.length() > 3: ... // No break/yield required
default: ...

You cannot fall through a type pattern with a variable binding. That is, you cannot fall into the the second case. After all, falling through skips the test and goes directly into the code that follows. However, you can fall through from a type pattern into another case that isn't a type pattern, or that is a type pattern with an unnamed variable. In the preceding example, it is ok to fall through the default.

Here is a complete example, as contrived as all fall through examples that I have ever seen.

import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Locale loc = Locale.forLanguageTag("de-DE");
      run("Bob", loc);
      run("Fred", loc);
      run("Math.PI", loc);
      run(loc, loc);

   public static void run(Object obj, Locale loc) {
      System.out.printf("%n=== %s ===%n", obj);

      String formatted = switch (obj) {
         case Number n: yield NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(loc).format(n);
         case String s when s.length() > 3: obj = s.substring(0, 3) + "...";
         default: yield obj.toString();
         case String s: yield '"' + s + '"';


Enum Constants

When the selector of a switch has enum type, then the case labels are constants in the enumeration:

System.Logger.Level level = ...;
switch (level) {
   case ERROR: ...; // i.e. System.Logger.Level.ERROR

Note also that the labels are not “qualified”—that is, you omit the enum type name in a case constant.

Now consider a more complex case—a sealed hierarchy in which some subtypes are enumerations:

JSONPrimitive p = ...;
switch (p) {
   case JSONNumber n -> ...;
   case JSONString s -> ...;
   case JSONNull.INSTANCE -> ...; // Can't be case INSTANCE
   case JSONBoolean.FALSE -> ...; 
   case JSONBoolean.TRUE -> ...;

In this situation, you can use case labels with enum constants. However, they need to be qualified, since the compiler cannot deduce the enum type from the selector.

With enum constants (but not with numeric or String constants), the rule that the selector type must match the constant type has been relaxed. The selector type can be any supertype.

public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      JSONPrimitive p = new JSONString("42");
      int result = switch (value) {
         case JSONNumber n -> n.intValue();
         case JSONString s -> Integer.parseInt(p.value);
         case JSONNull.INSTANCE, JSONBoolean.FALSE -> 0; // Can't be case INSTANCE
         case JSONBoolean.TRUE -> 1;
sealed interface JSONPrimitive
      permits JSONNumber, JSONString, JSONBoolean, JSONNull {}

final record JSONNumber(double value) implements JSONPrimitive {}

final record JSONString(String value) implements JSONPrimitive {}

enum JSONBoolean implements JSONPrimitive {

enum JSONNull implements JSONPrimitive {

How momentous are type patterns?

Type patterns provide a concise way of formulating repeated instanceof tests. How often do you use instanceof? The JDK source of over 5 million lines has just over 11,000 instanceof tests, of which 10% were preceded by else.

Clearly, there are times where type tests are necessary. Reviewing the JDK source revealed some common themes. Heterogeneous tree structures (XML, menus and submenus, parse trees). Ad-hoc formatting/parsing of strings, numbers, dates, arrays, and so on. Ad-hoc polymorphism with input sources and output targets. Special handling of certain user interface components. Analyzing exceptions. Handling the results from reflective calls.

My verdict: Nice to have in those cases, but not something that most people will use a lot.

As you saw, the devil is in the details. Put default last. Stay away from fall through!

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