CS46A - Introduction to Programming
Fall 2012 | Cay S. Horstmann | Department of Computer Science | San Jose
State University
- August
- 22 27 29
- September
- 5 10 12 17 19 24 26
- October
- 1 (←No class) 3 8 10 15
17 22 24
29 31
- November
- 5 7 12 (←No class) 14
(←Midterm) 19 21 26 28
(←No class)
- December
- 3 5 10 (←Final Review)
Lecture Videos
...are in this
Homework Assignments
- One quiz before each class meeting except for exams, i.e. every Sunday
and Tuesday night
- Quizzes are in Canvas
- Once you start a quiz, you must finish it, or Canvas won't give you any
points. No peeking until you are ready!
- I will drop your lowest quiz grade
Discussion Groups
- Have a question? Ask it on Piazza
- Have an answer? Submit it.
- You get a point for each question or answer.
- If you email me a question about the course material, I will repost it on
Piazza and answer it there. You won't get a point for that.
- Only email me with personal and confidential questions.
Clicker Questions
- Several times per class, I'll ask a “clicker” question.
- Real clickers are hardware devices that cost money. We use Piazza
- Occasionally, you'll see survey questions with titles such as Clicker
Question 1 in Piazza. Leave them alone until I announce in class what the
question is :-)
- Once I put up a slide with the question and options, log in to Piazza and
answer it.
- You get a point for each answer (even if it's wrong).