What Are CS Students Learning Today
Cay S. Horstmann
My Background
- Author of Core Java, Core JavaServer Faces (Sun Press)
- Author of numerous college textbooks
- Professor at San Jose State University
- Executive roles in high-tech startups
- Java champion
What Do CS Students Learn?
- 4 year undergraduate program
- SJSU: 13 CS courses
- Programming (2)
- Data structures and algorithms (3)
- Systems programming (2)
- Computer architecture (2)
- Software engineering (2)
- Electives (2)
- Some math, science, and of course ... California History
- ABET accredited
- CS, CE, SE programs differ in minute details
- Gradual change (C++ -> Java, UML, open source, less theory)
- Education, not certification
What Don't CS Students Learn?
- People skills
- Business sense
- Project management
- Dev tools (unless they take my SE course :-))
- Scripting languages
- Working with large codebases
- Concurrent programming
- Enterprise software
- Cloud computing
Engaging College Students and Faculty
- Bring students to Sun
- JavaOne
- Events (open source, JUG)
- Internships (check out IBM's extreme internship program)
- Student clubs
- Adjunct professors
- Industrial advisory board
Sun Tools on Campus
- When students become engineers, they like to use what they learned
- Make your tools the default
- Java = lingua franca on colleges
- Except for server-side: hosting problem
- You can fix this: java.net
- Use web to solve problems, not to "engage"
- Solve the professor's problems
- Make your material fit into a course
- Make sure professor has interest + skills
- Whoops: Time for a quiz
- How do you get cloud computing into a CS program?
Enrollment Crisis
- CS enrollment down > 50% from dot-com peak
- Females at lowest ratio in 40 years
- Causes
- Dilbert image
- Fear of outsourcing
- Limited salary upside
- Poor math/science preparation
- Must win their hearts and minds in high school
- AP Computer Science / Pre-AP
Alice and Friends
- Alice: A real programming language
- Animate characters, tell stories
- Drag and drop; no frustrating syntax errors
- Developed for middle school girls
- Greenfoot
- BlueJ