When to Stream, Collect, and Gather


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Slides at https://horstmann.com/presentations/2024/baselone

About the Speaker


Why Use Streams?

Why Not Always Streams?

  static int numberOfBrickWithChildrenWithAtLeastTwoParents(String input) {
    var grid = new HashMap<Pos, Level>();
    return input.lines()
        .map(l -> {
          var array = Arrays.stream(l.split(",|~")).mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).toArray();
          return new Brick(array[0], array[3], array[1], array[4], array[2], array[5]);
        .collect(groupingBy(Brick::z1, TreeMap::new, toList()))
        .map(brick -> {
          var onTop = brick.positions()
              .map(pos -> grid.getOrDefault(pos, new Level(null, 0)))
              .collect(groupingBy(Level::z, TreeMap::new, flatMapping(l -> Stream.ofNullable(l.brick), toSet())))
          var level =  new Level(brick, 1 + brick.z2 - brick.z1 + onTop.getKey());
          brick.positions().forEach(pos -> grid.put(pos, level));
          return new Pair<>(brick, onTop.getValue());
            toMap(Pair::u, pair -> pair.v().size()),
            flatMapping(pair -> pair.v().stream().map(b -> new Pair<>(b, pair.u())),
                groupingBy(Pair::u, mapping(Pair::v, toList()))),
            (parentMap, childrenMap) ->
                (int) parentMap.keySet().stream()
                    .filter(parent -> childrenMap.getOrDefault(parent, List.of()).stream()
                        .allMatch(child -> parentMap.get(child) > 1))
Source, Advent of Code 2023 Day 22

Wer misst, misst Mist


Max and Min


Finding, Counting, Collecting Matches


Nothing to See Here...


Method Expressions

For Each


Streams are Everywhere in the Java API


Complex Lambdas

Nested Streams


Ad-Hoc Records




When to Collect


Checked Exceptions

Checked Exceptions



Demo: Phone Mnemonics


The End


