Core Java

Bug Report Page

13th Edition Volume 1

Section 5.9.2, 5.9.4
Change exec.getTitle().getLength() to exec.getTitle().length()
Section 10.5 Preview Note
Extent locals → Scoped values
Section 11.2
For example, the JUnit Test annotation → For example, the JUnit RepeatedTest annotation
Section 11.5.1
by calling the one of the methods → by calling one of the methods

13th Edition Volume 2

Section 1.11
Map<String, Integer> stateToCityPopulation = cities.collect(
   groupingBy(City::state, averagingInt(City::population)));
Map<String, Double> stateToCityPopulation = cities.collect(
   groupingBy(City::state, averagingInt(City::population)));


Thanks to (your name might go here) for their bug reports!

Prior Edition Errata

Bug Report Form

If you have found another bug in the book or in our code that is not mentioned in this bug list or the Core Java FAQ , then please send a report. Unfortunately, I cannot reply personally to each report, but I do read all your comments.

Your name:

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Section number:

Problem description:

To protect against spam robots, please answer this simple problem: What is printed by
System.out.println( * )?